Jessica C. Graves, Owner, 7400 N Oracle Rd, Ste 150-403 Tucson 85704, 520.468.3838 - Hablamos Español

Month: November 2018

National Adoption Month – November 2018

November is National Adoption Month. For 2018, this means bringing awareness to those children and teens who are in the foster care system and in need of safe, loving, permanent homes. I think about where my brother would be now if our family didn’t adopt him at age 8. He would likely still be in the system in a group home (at age 14). He would not have a safe, loving, supportive, permanent home where he could be an active youth church mentor, a member of his high school Pit, and a hopeful guitar player.
Every child deserves to have a place and family where they can feel safe and loved.
As of June 30 2018, there were 13,670 Arizona children placed out of their homes. Of those, 1,506 children were legally free for adoption. 1,097 of those children were NOT placed in an adoptive home (source:, Semi-Annual Child Welfare Report Sep 2018 revised). Therefore, 1,091 children were in need of a family ready and able to provide them love and support.
If these 1,097 children lived on campus at the The University of Arizona, they would fill up six of University of Arizona Residence Hall Association‘s dorms north of 4th Street. Think about having Babcock, Cochise, Coconino, Gila, Rawls/Eller, & Manzi-Mo completely full with children who need a permanent, adoptive home.
Photo from Children’s Heart Gallery (
The Children’s Heart Gallery showcases some of Arizona children who are legally free for adoption. According to the Heart Gallery, “More than 33 percent of children in out-of-home care are 1 to 5 years of age. Youth 13-17 years of age comprise 21 percent of the children in care.” (source:
During November, I just ask that you think about these children and the other children in care. There are many resources available in which you may volunteer, donate, or mentor children. Over the next month, I plan to provide ways for you to get involved so we can all show our support for these children. Let’s be honest, these kids need the support of our community to be stable, successful, Arizona citizens. They deserve a chance in life and should not be punished for something out of their control. ❤
Photo from Children’s Heart Gallery (
For more information about adopting a child in Arizona, contact Arizona Adoption Lawyer, Jessica C. Graves. 520-468-3838.