Jessica C. Graves, Owner, 7400 N Oracle Rd, Ste 150-403 Tucson 85704, 520.468.3838 - Hablamos Español

  • Foster & Adoptive Parents

    Arizona Adoption Attorney Jessica Graves is an adopted child herself. Her two siblings were also adopted, one from the foster care system. Attorney Jessica Graves understands foster care adoptions and her personal and unique experiences allow her the ability to offer compassionate representation through families' adoption journeys.

    More About Foster Care Adoptions
    More About Adoptive Parents


    Arizona Adoption Attorney Jessica Graves provides compassionate representation of adoptive parents, birth mothers, and intended parents through their adoption and assisted reproduction journey.

    About Arizona Adoption Attorney Jessica Graves

  • Contact Jessica Graves

    Arizona Adoption Attorney Jessica Graves understands how important it is to have representation during your adoption and assisted reproduction journey. Contact Attorney Jessica Graves today to discuss your case together.
    Call Now: 520-468-3838

  • I'm Pregnant

    If you have an unplanned pregnancy and don’t know what to do, Arizona Adoption Attorney Jessica Graves can be your source of support and advocacy, as well as somebody who will listen with empathy. If you are contemplating placing a child for adoption in Arizona, it is important that you gather as much information as possible about the process.

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Foster & Adoptive Parents

Representing adoptive parents in their adoptions of their foster child, relative, stepchild, adult child, or infant child.

Birth Mothers

Offering compassionate representation of birth parents in their adoption journey.

Private/Agency Adoptions

Bringing families together through adoption by helping to navigate adoptive parents, relatives, and stepparents through the legal framework to adopt a child.

Contact Jessica Graves

Arizona Adoption Attorney Jessica Graves understands how important it is to have representation during your adoption and assisted reproduction journey.  Contact Attorney Jessica Graves today to discuss your case together.

7400 N. Oracle Rd., #150-403, Tucson, AZ 85704

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  • "She has a heart of gold and truly cares about families. And of course being adopted and being a part of a family that has been touched by foster care and adoption makes her even more credible."

    - Tucson Adoption Professional